Case Study
Creating space for teen trust and safety online.
The Challenge
Encouraging positivity over comparison culture.
Pinterest strives to create an inspiring, supportive community that feels safe and comfortable for its users, especially teens. At the same time, the broader social media landscape makes cultivating a positive environment challenging. To combat pervasive toxicity and comparison culture online, Pinterest turned to us to identify and address the top safety issues teens face.
Mockups have been edited to preserve confidentiality.
OUR Impact
Product strategy that prioritizes the wellbeing of young social media users.
By dimensionalizing the concepts of trust and safety for teens on social media platforms, we were able to give Pinterest a first-person view into how these concepts manifest in teens’ digital worlds. Pinterest used the insights from our research to guide the company’s product strategy incorporating resources, partnerships, content, and other features. Despite industry-wide challenges, Pinterest has emerged as a leader in protecting teen’s emotional and physical wellbeing online.