Advanced Analytics
Supercharge insights and action.
Our in-house analytics team, Braintrust, deepens what you can do with your quant data through a broad range of advanced data analytics techniques, including multivariate analysis, data mining and CRM analytics, visualization exercises, and machine learning. Whatever the business challenge requires, we apply the right mix of advanced data analytic methods to unlock the power of data and help you make more informed decisions.
Our Advanced Analytics Toolkit
Correlation and ANOVA
Multivariate Regression
Driver Analysis (Johnson’s Relative Weight, Dominance Analysis, Random Forest, GBM)
Predictive Modeling
Factor Analysis
Correspondence Map
Expectancy Analysis
MaxDiff Analysis
TURF Analysis
Price Elasticity (Gabor Granger, Van Westendorp / Newton Miller Smith)
Market Sizing
Sales Forecasting
Cluster Analysis:
Latent Class
Two-Step Cluster
K-Means, K-Mode, and K-Prototype
Additional Partition, Tree, or Centroid-Based Machine Learning Models
Classification Analysis:Naïve Bayes
Multinomial Logit
Discriminant Analysis
ML Models (Random Forest, KNN and SVM)
To help answer difficult innovation, product development, pricing, and market share questions, we design complex conjoint and discrete choice solutions for our clients – producing even more rigorous insights. Leave-behind tools increase the longevity and impact of these models:
In-Depth Simulators
Custom Dashboards
To uncover relationships between attitudes, behaviors, and concepts, we map interconnected relationships so you can better understand how consumers make decisions. These maps also measure the degree that contributing elements impact one another, and your desired outcome. For such analysis we deploy:
Structure Equation Model (PATH/SEM)
Bayesian Network Analysis (BNA)
Customer Lifetime Value
Churn / Acquisition / Win-Back / Engagement Modeling
NLP/Text Analysis
Next Best Action Analysis
Decision journey Analysis
Behavior Clustering